Class: Disciple-class Light Cruiser
Mass: 146,750 tons
Dimensions: Length: 461m Beam: 48m
Acceleration: 749.9g
Broadside: 10 Missles 4 Grazers 8 Counter Missiles 8 PD
Chase: 2 Grazers 4 PD



The Grayson Navy Ship Erastus is a Disciple-class Light Cruiser assigned to the RMN Home Fleet. She is one of the latest and most advanced light cruisers in the Grayson Space Navy. RMN First Fleet patrols DC, MD, WV, NJ, DE, PA, NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, ME, NH, Northern VA (above the 38th Parallel), Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island & Newfoundland.

As a fan group, we meet regularly at conventions, and our chapter engages in individual activities (movie nights, game sessions, museum visits, etc) all with the intention of having a good time together.

If you’d like to be part of our crew, join TRMN, choose Grayson Navy or Royal Manticoran Navy as your Branch, and put GNS Erastus as your Chapter. Membership is free.

We meet regularly at conventions, and our chapter engages in individual activities (movie nights, game sessions, museum visits, etc) all with the intention of having a good time together.

As a crew we’re here to help you succeed in pursuing your passion, so let us how we can help and we’ll do everything we can! You can drop us a note to let us know that you’re interested in signing aboard GNS Erastus!